Train-the-Trainer Webinar Series: Supporting the Implementation of the Australian Curriculum 9.0 (Mathematics) in your Primary School

James and Cal
Presenters: Founders of ORIGO Education, Dr Calvin Irons and James Burnett: More than 80 years of combined experience delivering professional learning in primary mathematics in Australia and abroad.
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The Australian Mathematics Curriculum 9.0 (ACM) has significantly changed what and when mathematics topics are taught in the primary years. While the new curriculum provides the sequence of content, it provides minimal information regarding how to implement the prescribed changes.  

These 60-minute sessions will highlight the major changes of the ACM in the primary years and use practical classroom activities to help teachers develop an understanding of these changes. Attendees will leave with the knowledge and resources they need to deliver professional learning sessions in their school. 

Topics include:

  • Whole Numbers - ways to develop mental computation strategies.
  • Fractions - multiple representations, percentages, adding and subtracting fractions, and more.
  • Computational Thinking - patterns, flowcharts, creating and following rules and algorithms. 
  • Statistics - introduction to Mode, new representations of data, specific language for teachers.
  • Space and Measurement - intro to rotational symmetry and tessellations, movement, directions, measurement. 

Price to purchase ALL Recordings: $250

You will receive: 

  • Copy or PowerPoint for each webinar & related handouts
  • One free subscription to ORIGO Mathematics- valid until December 2024.
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