Session 1: Setting up for Multiplicative Thinking Success
To set the stage for multiplicative thinking success, we need to start in Grade 2 where students are learning about additive reasoning. Join this session to learn how repeated addition and arrays set students up for success in learning basic multiplication skills. This session will cover the progression from Grade 2 to Grade 3.
Downloadable and online resources
Four of a Kind Fundamental Game ACTIVITY DOWNLOAD
Development of Mathematical Reasoning
Introduction to Multiplication
4 Strategies for Multiplication and Division Fluency
brainingcamp Resources
ORIGO Resources
Book and Box of Fact Strategies
Session 2: Progression of Multiplication and
Division Fact Strategies
Once students have a foundation for multiplicative thinking, it’s time to introduce multiplication and division strategies. Join this session to explore a progression of multiplication and division strategies that makes sense! This session will cover the progression of multiplication and division within Grade 3.
Downloadable and online resources
Double Double Fundamental Game ACTIVITY DOWNLOAD
Number From Down Under YouTube Videos
Your “fives" strategy is all wrong!
How to learn basic division facts!
4 Strategies for Multiplication and Division Fluency
Teaching the Think-Multiplication Division Strategy
Mastering Multiplication with the Doubling Strategy
Effective Strategies for Mastering the Nines and Sixes
ORIGO Resources
Session 3: Extending multiplication fact strategies through 4th grade and beyond!
Once students are in Grade 4, they can still use the same strategies they’ve been using for multiplication. Students just need to learn how to extend strategies into partial products to make connections to the standard algorithm.
Resources, coming soon!
Session 4: Extending division fact strategies through 4th grade and beyond!
Ever wonder how basic division fact strategies extend to other concepts? Strong connections between basic division facts, place value division, and partial quotients support students through all grade-level division standards.
Resources, coming soon!